Yogyakarta is known as a university town, because almost 20% of its productive population are students and there are 137universities. Yogyakarta is a city that characterized the dynamics of school and university students who come from various regionsin Indonesia.
In addition, Yogyakarta also has beautiful natural scenery, in addition to the famous cultural heritage. Nan green rice fieldsblanketed the countryside with Mount Merapi appears as the backdrop. Beaches unspoiled easily be found to the south ofYogyakarta. People here live in peace and have a distinctivehospitality. The atmosphere felt so much art in Yogyakarta.Malioboro, which is the lifeblood of Yogyakarta, is flooded withhandicrafts from all over. Street musicians were always ready toentertain visitors lesehan stalls.
The city had been the capital of Yogyakarta Indonesia during thefirst revolution. Also this city is the capital city of Yogyakarta Special Region, led by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and Pageran Pakualam. Additionally Yogyakarta once the center of Mataram kingdom between 1575-1640. Until now Kraton(Palace) is still functioning in the real sense
Yogyakarta is still very thick with Javanese culture. Art and cultureare an integral part in the life of the people of Yogyakarta. Fromchildhood to adulthood, the people of Yogyakarta will very often witnessed and even participated in various arts and culturalevents in the city. For the people of Yogyakarta, in which everystage of life has its own meaning, tradition is an important andstill performed today. Tradition also must not be separated from art presented in the traditional ceremonies. Yogyakartacommunity-owned art is very diverse. And art-art that is strungbeautifully varied in a traditional ceremony. So for the people of Yogyakarta, art and culture really become an integral part of theirlives. Typical Arts in Yogyakarta include kethoprak, jathilan, andshadow puppets.
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